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Impeachment of Caerh Llont
The Impeachment of Caerh Llont was the political process that led to the removal of Caerh Llont from the position of President of Rhwddyr in response to a corruption scandal.
Caerh Llont was a GS for Bonta in North Efnurddyr who was selected in 2017 to be the Conservative candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Union electoral alliance with One Nation, which he won. Llont went on to win the 2018 Rhwddyr Presidential Election by the narrowest margin in Rhwrhei history, being sworn in two weeks after winning the election.
The Corruption
In Febuary 2019, Llont told his freind, Darin Hadig, that the Hwyden Ynt had consulted with him on the budget, which had included a plan to raise taxes on Fossil Fuel companies. Hadig took out a short position against the oil company Petus Rhwrhei, making a total of 18,000 fyldog (612,000 gbp Oct 2022 money). Hadig them gave half of that money to Llont as a 'gift', which Llont failed to publically declare as required under the Lobbying Act 1998.
Llont continued to give 'advice' to Hadig on several occasions over the next 18 months, such as buying stocks in renewable energy companies before the government announced investment, trading stocks in various Defence Contractors and selling stocks before the announcement of the Nationalisation of Rail. These trades happened on 18 occasions, with Llont recieving a total of 51,500 fyldog in these 'gifts' (£1.75mn Oct 2022 money).
Llont also repreatedly sold Presidential Awards, such as the Cross of the Victory of 1479 and the Grand Cross of Cycaen I. This was in breach of the Honours and Awards Act 1973. 19 Recipiants illegally purchased these medals between March 2020 and June 2022.
Overall, Llony made a total of 135k Fyldog, (£4.6m GBP)
The Scandal
On the 3rd June 2022, ECR News broadcast a 2 hour speical report exposing the details of the President's corruption. There was widespread public outcry over the actions of the president, but the Conservative Party refused to suspend Llont over the allegations of corruption. The Hwyden Ynt, Eryn Dawes, said that he was taking the allegations very seriously, and that he would begin impeachment procedings so that a committee could be formed to investigate the allegations.
The Vote on begining Impeachment Procedings - 19th June
The Senate:

In Favour: 122
SLP 61, 1N 47, SD 8, ENV 2, PD 2, FA 1, LIB 1
Against: 2
The House

In Favour: 567
SLP 155, 1N 153, ENV 63, SD 60, LIB 50, PD 48, FA 29, IND 8, CON 1
Against: 58
CON 58
On the 23rd, the Impeachment Committe was formed of members of all parties.
SLP 17, 1N 15, LIB 3, GRN 3, PD 2, CON 3, FA 2.
The Committee investigation lasted over a month. On the 11th of July, Llont was brought before the Committee to answer questions from the members, with Llont making a strong denial of any wrongdoing despite the overwhelming evidence. Finally on the 15th of August the Committee drafted the Articles of Impeachment, confident that there was enough evidence for 11 counts of Insider Trading, 8 Counts of Selling Honours and 1 Count of Purgery. These articles were put to a vote in the House and the Senate.
The Vote of Removing the President - 17th August
The Senate

In Favour: 109
SLP 61, 1N 31, SD 8, ENV 2, PD 2, LIB 1, FA 1
Against: 15
1N 13, CON 2
The House

In Favour: 473
SLP 155, 1N 74, ENV 63, SD 60, PD 48, LIB 50, FA 15, IND 8
Against: 152
1N 79, CON 59, FA 14
After Llont was removed from his position, the Speaker of the Senate was given the powers of the President until a replacement could be selected by the house. The Government and Opposition agreed that the relatively uncontroversial Gysr Manul should be put foreward as the candidate for the next president, as he would only hold the office for a few months, as an Election was scheduled for next year anyway.
The Election of Gysr Manul as President of Rhwddyr - 23rd August
The Senate

In Favour: 98
SLP 55, 1N 30, SD 8, ENV 2, PD 2, LIB 1
Against: 24
SLP 6, 1N 17, FA 1
The House

In Favour: 421
SLP 137, 1N 127, SD 60, ENV 21, PD 18, LIB 50, IND 8
Against: 145
SLP 18, 1N 26, ENV 42, PD 30, FA 29
The Conservative Party stormed out of both chambers mid debate in protest over the removal of the Llont, and so did not vote in either house.